Peace to You. Be Very Strong.

Daniel 10:15-19

When he was visited by the messenger of the Lord, Daniel was physically and emotionally overwhelmed. He describes himself as speechless, anguished, and powerless. Breathless. Daniel asks this powerful question that continues to echo in my mind.

“How can someone like me, your servant, speak with someone like you, my lord?”

Indeed, how can someone like me approach Almighty God and speak with Him? To be in His presence would leave me speechless in awe, anguished in my sin, and powerless to do anything for myself.

How grateful I am that God does His best work when we are in this state of weakness! When we humble ourselves at the feet of Jesus, acknowledging our sins and weaknesses, that is precisely when Jesus will reach down, take our hand, and respond in the way the messenger did to Daniel.

“Don’t be afraid, you who are treasured by God. Peace to you; be very strong.”

Fear flees and strength grows. With the burden of our sins removed and the assurance of God’s love, we can stand under His power and are no longer breathless. We are filled with the breath of His Spirit and enabled to do hear what God has to say to us. We can respond as Daniel did, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”

When we are weak, God is strong.

What fears, burdens, and inadequacies do you need to leave at Jesus’ feet today?

Take time to talk to God about it all. Hear His words to you. Don’t be afraid. You are treasured. Be filled with my peace. Be very strong.


  1. Thanks, Karen. Your words were a powerful complement to Daniel's. I appreciated this today. Be filled with peace as you enjoy God's nature these next few days.


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