The Battle Belongs to the Lord

 Read 2 Chronicles 20:13-19

So Jehoshaphat was facing a tough situation and he went directly to God to seek wisdom. This should definitely be our first step as well, but we can learn a lot from how he responded to the word from God as well. There is no value in seeking God's wisdom and then not acting on it!

When God spoke, He brought words of encouragement and strength. "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number, for the battle is not yours, but God's."

Can you imagine how Jehoshaphat must have felt when he heard this? The burden of knowing he was vastly outnumbered, that their land and lives were in danger, and that he had no recourse was suddenly lifted. God clearly said, "I've got this. Go out there and face it tomorrow, and I will be right there with you." 

When life throws those curve balls, this passage brings strength and hope. The battle is not ours, but God's. What a joy to know it is not all up to us to meet the challenges of our lives! But notice, God did not say, "Just go back to bed and curl up in a ball. It will all go away." He had something for Jehoshaphat to do as well..

"You do not have to fight this battle. Just position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord." Face it; stay out of God's way; and watch Him work. 

How often I have tried to fight the battle myself, half-heartedly giving it to God only to snatch it back again and give into worry and panic again. This is not what Jehoshaphat did. Leaving his fear and discouragement behind, he immediately took a position of praise and worship - face to the ground and voice raised. 

The battle wasn't yet done, but it was won.

What is the battle in your life that you continue to fight alone? Talk to God about it and place it back in His hands where it belongs.

Take up a position of praise and worship before the battle is done, knowing God is faithful to see you through it.


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