Worth the Wait

Read 2 Peter 3:8-9

The aroma from the kitchen tantalizes your senses and makes your stomach begin to growl. You look at your watch, wondering how soon you’ll be able to taste whatever it is that is baking in the oven. Finally, you hear the sound of the timer going off, signaling that the waiting is over.
Well, perhaps it would be best if you wait for it to cool a bit. As the clock inches forward, you gather the necessary utensils so that you can dig in as soon as it is time.
And, ooooh, that first bite. Fresh, warm, sweet, and oh so satisfying. It was definitely worth the wait.
When God asks us to wait for Him, we have the assurance that it will be worth the wait as well. With God, there is always purpose in the waiting. The waiting is still very hard, but the end result will be worth it.
Hebrews 10:36 says that we need endurance, so that after we have done God’s will, we may receive what was promised. I see three very important points in this verse:
1.       Waiting is to be expected, and we may have to wait a long time.
2.       God has a job for us to do in the meantime.
3.       God’s promises can be counted on.

When you can’t stand the waiting, choose to trust the One who asks you to wait. He is trustworthy.

Imagine what grand purposes God might have in making you wait.
How does thinking about God’s purposes change your perspective on the wait?


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