
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

  Read 2 Chronicles 20:13-19 So Jehoshaphat was facing a tough situation and he went directly to God to seek wisdom. This should definitely be our first step as well, but we can learn a lot from how he responded to the word from God as well. There is no value in seeking God's wisdom and then not acting on it! When God spoke, He brought words of encouragement and strength. "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number, for the battle is not yours, but God's." Can you imagine how Jehoshaphat must have felt when he heard this? The burden of knowing he was vastly outnumbered, that their land and lives were in danger, and that he had no recourse was suddenly lifted. God clearly said, "I've got this. Go out there and face it tomorrow, and I will be right there with you."  When life throws those curve balls, this passage brings strength and hope. The battle is not ours, but God's. What a joy to know it is not all up to us to meet the challeng...

Praise and Powerlessness

  Read 2 Chronicles 20:5-12 When the people had gathered to seek God together, King Jehoshaphat prayed aloud on behalf of their nation. His words are recorded in these verses. Notice how he starts by recalling God’s great and miraculous interventions for Israel as they came into the Promised Land. He acknowledges that they have been up against some impossible situations before and God has seen them through it. Because of their history together, Jehoshaphat and his people were again seeking help from the God they knew they could count on. There is a very human element to this prayer—a desperate plea for the Lord to act. You know, when we came out of Egypt, you (God) told us to leave these people alone and not drive them out. Now they are coming after us! We need you to help us protect the land that you gave us ! He is at once praising God for His power and reminding Him of His promise to the Israelite people. Once Jehoshaphat has laid everything out before God, he gets down to...