Waiting for Expediency

Read Habakkuk 2:1-3

Panic. That’s the only word for it. My husband and I were planning a trip for our 30th anniversary. The month before we were to go, we got out our passports. That’s when I noticed. Mine was expired!
I couldn’t believe it! We were leaving in less than three weeks. Had I completely ruined our vacation plans? Was there anything at all that could be done?
With much prayer and hyperventilation, I called the toll free number I found and God connected me with this sweet, soft-spoken, southern gentleman named Bob who helped me begin to breathe again. He assured me that there was a solution, and explained the steps I needed to take. I was ready to take action.
Except - the timing wasn’t right. It was too late to use the expedited service by mail. And, in order to use the emergency method, I had to have travel scheduled within the next two weeks. It was Monday night, and he told me I had to WAIT until Sunday to make the appointment for rush service, so that I would be eligible.
Some would say, “That’s government for you.” But I know that God sometimes works this way too. When we go to Him with a need, He will listen and comfort us. He will give us direction as to what we need to do. And sometimes those instructions involve waiting for the perfect timing. He knows what has to be in place in order for the perfect answer to come. When we take it into our own hands and try to rush things, it will be like running into a wall. But when God says, “Now,” we will see things happen with an ease that boggles the mind. The trick is to recognize the waiting for what it is, and to see God’s hand at work in it.

Trusting in God means we trust in His timing as well.
·         What is causing a sense of impatience in your life?
·         How can you remind yourself that it is worthwhile to wait for God’s timing?


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