Why Wait?

Read Isaiah 30:18

When a child asks his parent for candy at 5:00 o’clock, the answer will typically be something like, “You may have one after supper.” The child may whine and complain that he wants it right now, that he’s hungry, or that the candy will not spoil his appetite. But parents with their child’s best interest in mind will say, “No, you have to wait.”

Why do they do that? It’s because they know that good nutrition must come first before sweets for their child to be healthy. They know it is better to teach their child to wait than to give in to his demands at every turn. Parents know that there are things for which a child must learn to wait because it will be better and more beneficial later than it is right now.

God is the ultimate Parent. He knows this principle better than any of us, and He uses it in our lives to teach and discipline us as well. Remember that His plan always comes out of His goodness and grace. A parent saying “no” or “wait” does not mean he does not love his child. On the contrary, it means he has the long term benefit in mind for the child that he loves – in fact, benefit for the whole family and for other lives that will be touched by that child when he’s grown.

Waiting has purposes, both seen and unseen by human eyes. 

Our best understanding will come when we study what the Bible says and demonstrates about waiting.

Talk to God about all of the things you are struggling with. Listen quietly and patiently for what He has to teach you. If it doesn't come immediately, watch and listen for insight as you  move through the week.


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