You are Treasured by God

Continuing in Daniel 10

When Daniel begins to hear from God’s messenger, the words that first come to his ears are, “Daniel, you are a man treasured by God.”

What a blessing it must have been to hear those words directly. Before you start saying “that has never happened to me,” consider the scriptures. Throughout the Biblical narrative we find God’s message that He loves and treasures each one of His creation. Some of us struggle to believe that based on our earthly experience that may not have included unconditional love or any kind of recognition of our value as a human being created by God. However, God’s biblical message to you is clear. He loves you. He treasures you. He took great care in making your unique person. He has a plan for your life designed just for you.

Before we hear God speak to us, it is important to hear God’s words of love for us. That is foundational to everything else He will say – even the hard stuff.

Everything He does and says comes out of His great love.

Read the following verses and let them sink into your heart. Journal about your reaction to hearing the message they contain.

·       Psalm 139:13

·       Jeremiah 31:3

·       John 3:16 (substitute your name for “the world” and let it sink in)

·       John 15:13

·       1 John 3:1

·       Ephesians 2:4-5


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