Go to God with Heartfelt Prayer

Read Psalm 25, especially focusing on verses 16-22.

David closes this Psalm with heartfelt words, speaking all the things He needs from God at this time. This is exactly what God wants of us. We have declared our trust and are living it out by keeping our eyes on God. Now ask. Speak to God from the depths of your being and tell Him what you long for. I often find that when I’m hurting the most, words don’t come very easily. However, reading the Psalms as prayers often express exactly what I’m feeling. Verses 16-22 give a wonderful example if you don’t know where to start.

I am alone. (v. 16) Our distress can leave us in a dark and empty place, feeling like there is
absolutely no one to whom we can turn. Acknowledge this feeling and remember that God does not EVER leave us alone.

Bring me out of my sufferings. (v. 17) We’ve already mentioned that the Christian life does not prevent suffering, but that God always provides a way through it. Look to Him for the solution.

Take away all my sins. (v. 18) An essential part of talking to God is acknowledging our shortcomings. When we draw closer to God, our sins become clearer. Admit them and seek forgiveness. Leave behind that part of the burden so that the journey is lighter.

I’m overwhelmed. (v. 19) This is bigger than I can handle on my own. Rely on God’s wisdom and strength to see you through and tell Him that’s what you need. Acknowledging our weakness makes room for God to step in.

Be my refuge. (v. 20) I have nowhere to run and hide in this world. I choose to run to you, God. I know I can depend on you, even when nothing else is dependable.

Wait for God’s justice. (v. 21) We know that it is not our place to take revenge or even the score. God has promised to handle that. Ask Him for strength to wait for His justice to be revealed.

Redeem Israel (v. 22) This final statement of David’s shifts the focus beyond David’s personal situation to a broader picture. It is a prayer for his people for deliverance, rescue and salvation. Let this be a reminder to pray for others in the midst of our own troubles.

Speak to God from the very depths of your being and tell Him what you long for.

What stands out to you as you observe this pattern of David’s? Which parts are more natural for you? Which parts bring you more of a challenge?

Write and pray your own prayer based on this pattern that David has given us. Speak to God from your heart about what you long for and need. He’s listening.


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