Navigating Life with God

Read Psalm 25:12-15

Much of the waiting process has to do with learning where your focus needs to be. If we focus on what we don’t have or don’t yet know, we lose out on so much of what God has for us right now. These verses of Psalm 25 remind us of the benefits of keeping our eyes focused on God.

The one who lives in worshipful submission to God Almighty will be given direction in life (v. 12) Our human understanding does not give us a complete or accurate picture of what it will take to get to the end result of our waiting, but God does know that picture. If we stay focused on Him, we will receive His guidance as we navigate this unfamiliar road.

I’m one who likes to travel with a map in her lap. I enjoy looking ahead at the route, knowing the

final destination, and marking off the cities and landmarks we go by on the way there. I am less enamored with a GPS that only shows me the next turn I’ll need to make. I guess that requires a lot more trust in the device than I tend to have.

In life, we don’t usually get a map. The whole picture is hidden from us. If we draw close to God in the journey, He will act something like a GPS in our lives, saying “turn right here,” or “make a U-turn and go back.” Trust His voice, even though you can’t see the whole map.

Isaiah 30:20-21 tells us, “Though the Lord gave you adversity and suffering, He will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go.’”

Psalm 25:13 also assures us of a good life when we live in awe and obedience to the Lord. It is also very important to realize what this verse does NOT say. It does not say that this will be a life without trouble or worry. It does not say you will always have plenty of money or not get sick. The promise here is that life with God is good, no matter what the circumstance or cost. Keep your human perspective out of it, and see things from God’s eyes.

This idea is also reflected in Psalm 25:15. “My eyes are always on the Lord, for He will pull me out of the net.” Again, it does NOT say you won’t ever get caught in the net. It promises that with God, there is always a way up and out of whatever pit or trap you’re in. Look to God and stay focused there. He will not leave you trapped and imprisoned, but free to live as He intended.

Keep your human perspective out of it, and see things from God’s eyes.

Read Isaiah 30:18 -22. What truths are embedded in these few verses? How have you found them to be true in your own life?

How are you doing with keeping your focus on God? What types of things tend to distract you from that focus? Think of what might help you to refocus when those distractions come – a reminder verse, a sentence prayer, or something else entirely! Put it into practice.


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