At Just the Right Time

 Read Romans 5:1-8

Virtually the entire Old Testament, from Genesis 3 to Matthew, is the story of God’s people waiting. Adam and Eve chose not to follow God’s command and sin came into God’s perfect creation. From that time, people were waiting for God’s Messiah to come and save them from their sins. God promised to bring salvation to all people, delivering them from under Satan’s dominion. They were not always conscious of the waiting, but it was always there. As the prophets began to speak about the promised Messiah, there was an anticipation of the event. However, that was not always enough to keep God’s people on track and living according to God’s plan.

Why in the world did God not offer the sacrifice of the Messiah right away when it was first needed?

Honestly, I do not know the answer to that, but it has to do with waiting. And God’s justice. And patience. And perfect timing.  And demonstrating the faithfulness of God. And it’s about providing hope for the future.

Romans 5:6, Paul tells us, You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.”

At just the right time. That is a phrase packed with meaning and power. Only God knows when “just the right time” is. Our limited human vision does not allow us to see what God can see so clearly.

Take a few minutes to consider what it takes to be “just the right time.” Start with thinking in human terms, and then try to move into God’s way of thinking.

What might have to happen for your answer to prayer to come at "just the right time?"


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